Weitere Veranstaltungen in der Agenda
Sa. 18.01.25 – 15 Uhr
Demo: Samsh WEF
Bern, Bahnhofplatz
Sa. 25.01.25 – 19 Uhr
Abschlusspodium: Erinnern heisst Leben
Bern, tba
Sa. 01.02.25 – 16:30 Uhr
Demo: Historische Kontinuität brechen – gegen Antisemitismus
Bern, Bahnhofplatz
Sa. 08.02.25 – tba
Demo: Kein Tag der Ehre
Budapest, Ungarn
14th June 2016 / Unions and revolutionary groups called out for a mass street protest on 14. June 2016 in France. Hundreds of thousands participated in the demonstration against new reforms to labor laws, capitalism and state oppression. In addition, many people from all over Europe went to Paris to…